About Us
Our small school strives to provide high-quality international education in a loving Christian environment for children in preschool through Grade 6. We mainly serve missionary families called to serve in South Sudan. For this reason, the school uses an international curriculum currently rooted in the North American curriculum, modified for our local context, global community and Christian heart. The school year starts in September through to mid-July. Having opened with four preschool students in a shipping container as a classroom in November 2013, JCA currently has 20-30 children, aged from 3 to 11 enrolled in our new home on the south-west outskirts of Juba, and we continue to grow! Children come from a variety of backgrounds: some have spent their entire lives in Juba whilst others have already travelled the world! There is a strong family atmosphere with authentic and meaningful relationships in the school community being a real strength as we grow and learn together. We are committed to the academic, emotional, social and spiritual development of children. JCA is organized under a Parent Association and governed by a Board of Directors.

Vision and Values
Juba Christian Academy will seek to advance the Kingdom of God by providing families a high quality Christian education in South Sudan.
Our values at JCA answer the question, In light of our mission and vision, how do we live? Being rooted in Christ’s love and remaining in Him, we seek to bear fruit – the values of His kingdom – and carry them into the world to serve like Him. The JCA Values are Respect and Reverence, Joy, Compassion, Resilience and Community.

About Teaching and Learning
Our curriculum at JCA reflects the international nature of our children and is informed by North American and internationally regarded curriculums. As a non-denominational Christian school, we teach the Bible, have prayer and worship times, and incorporate a Christian world view in our teaching.
Children are placed in single or multi-grade level classrooms where they are in engaged in grade-level specific math and English language arts lessons following highly-regarded schemes. Our small classes mean that we are able to provide precise, individualised support for each child.
A whole-school topic leads learning in other subject areas so children can work actively, purposefully and with engagement. Each topic is rooted in scripture and nurtures Kingdom values. Children have exciting, focused lessons in subjects so they grow in knowledge and are also equipped with the skills of scientists, artists, historians and geographers, for example. They also make connections between subjects and areas of learning. Learning is promoted through real experiences, such as trips and visitors (where this is possible in our locality), or through pretend experience (role play, theme days and story). We have a spiral approach to learning, with our topics rotating on a three-year cycle –and teaching is grade level focused in multigrade class groups. When children revisit a topic three years later, they will access it at a deeper level and be taught more complex knowledge and skills.
We prioritise learning about learning too! Children will become better learners at JCA as we equip them with skills such as resilience, independence and collaboration and teach them to have a growth mindset.
About Early Years
In Preschool and Junior Kindergarten, and as children transition into Senior Kindergarten, we inspire and equip our children through creating a responsive and enabling environment which engages, prompts and challenges our youngest learners to explore the world through interactive experiences which are so crucial to early learning. Areas of the learning environment invite children to explore and play which are at the heart of learning for this age group; stations that invite sensory, imaginative, problem solving and physical play are included, as are areas that introduce the foundations of language, literacy and math. Teacher plan and support children to reach the learning goals identified for: communication and language, physical development, expressive arts and understanding of the world, as well as literacy and mathematics. Bible and spiritual development are also part of the provision and the culture of the environment. Stories of the week and topics provide a context to adapt and enrich the learning that happens, as well as following children’s own interests. As well as the centres, children also spend their time with a teacher working one to one or in a small group to get the precise learning they need next.
We also aim to equip each child with a solid foundation in personal, social, emotional learning so they can fully participate in the communities to which God has and will call them. For example, they are taught behaviours that enable them to learn new things; they are encouraged to build constructive and respectful relationships with adults and children. And we do this through inspirational use of puppets who model these behaviors. Children love to then show the same learning characteristics as, for example, Tilly the tortoise who has a go and keeps going even when it is hard; she tries and tries and doesn’t give up easily.
Please note: preschoolers attend three mornings a week; Junior Kindergarten provision is full time.
About Elementary Classes
From senior kindergarten upwards, we use curriculum materials from the USA and make adaptations to fit our international and multi-cultural environment. Children focus on increasingly complex skills and learn, not just from textbooks, but from inquiry, experimentation, and challenging goals set together with their teachers. Children have lessons in English language arts, mathematics, science, history, geography, art and design, Bible and music. JCA also helps each child grow spiritually through worship, teaching the Bible, and encouraging application of biblical truths.
Our schemes currently in use are:
– English Language Arts
JKG- Grade 2 follow Logics of English Foundations programme. This has a strong, systematic approach to phonics for reading and writing.
Grade 2 upwards use Voyages of English for grammar and writing alongside a spelling and handwriting programme. Cursive handwriting is introduced in Grade 3 and used from Grade 4.
Reading is taught through literature study and research.
– Math
From SKG upwards, we use Math in Focus alongside basic math skills. Math in focus is rooted in a Singapore approach to math learning with a strong focus on models and images to support mathematical thinking.
About Our Resources
Despite limited availability due to our South Sudan context, the school is equipped for learning. Teachers are creative and make best use of resources and materials to create engaging classroom environments for children to read, learn and play. At JCA, we have:
- A well-stocked children’s library and reading corners in each classroom.
- Materials for art and craft
- Manipulatives for math
- Relevant science resources to promote investigation
- A good library of teacher materials
- Weekly swimming lessons at a local pool
We are currently developing our playground and play provision. See the donate page if you would like to support us.